
Urinalysis and body fluids strasinger pdf free download
Urinalysis and body fluids strasinger pdf free download

Multiple health care providers are responsible for maintaining homeostasis of fluid and electrolyte balance when caring for patients. Even those who are only moderately ill are at high risk for these imbalances. Every seriously or chronically ill person is likely to develop one or more of these imbalances, and the very young and the very old are especially vulnerable to changes in fluid and electrolyte balance. Additionally, the expanded role of nurses in the community requires them to function more autonomously in assisting patients to control fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Medical advances and new treatment modalities have increased the importance of a strong background in the physiologic concepts associated with these imbalances. Nurses and health care professionals are involved continually in the assessment of fluid and electrolyte imbalance.

Urinalysis and body fluids strasinger pdf free download